各位客户: 根据杭州沃德认证技术服务有限公司最近接到的美国EPA通知,从现在开始,如果客户申报2010型年的EPA证书,将需增加如下申报资料:
Information to be included in the Small SI Comment Section of FileMaker Pro Application for Certification: 1. All Bonding requirement – submit bonding worksheet with the first engine family of the model year that is submitted a. Is the Manufacturer required to post a bond? (Yes or No) b. Name engine family with which the bonding worksheet was submitted c. If a bond is required, submit a running change for the engine family with which the bonding worksheet was submitted by the end of 2009 Calendar Year to include the bond number. 2. All Agent for Service in the US – Contact information. Must include name, address, telephone number and email address. 3. All Ports - Identify ports at which you have imported engines over the last 12 months 4. All Test Facility - Location of a test facility in the US where we can test your engines. 5. MY 2010 HH, MY 2011/2012 NHH Useful Life Determination (see §1054.107) - Provide brief justification for choosing useful life (if other than maximum value) 6. MY 2010 HH Handheld Engine Determination - For engines subject to handheld standards on the basis of meeting the weight limitations described in §1054.801, provide brief justification of analysis showing that you meet the applicable weight-related restrictions 7. MY 2010 HH, MY 2011/2012 NHH Altitude – provide brief description of how your engines will comply with emission standards at varying altitude. Separately submit altitude kit worksheet with the submission of the first engine family of the model year. This can be updated via running change. 8. MY 2011 Class II NHH TPEM - Is the manufacturer participating in TPEM? (Yes or No) 9. MY 2010 HH, MY 2011/2012 NHH Intra-Company Shipping of Partially Complete Engines §1068.260(c) - Will there be any intra company shipping of partially completed engines? (Yes or No) 10. MY 2010 HH, MY 2011/2012 NHH Inter-Company Shipping of Partially Complete Engines a. Will there be any shipping of partially complete engines to secondary engine manufacturers? (Yes or No) b. Will you be receiving partially complete engines or modifying complete engines from another manufacturer? (Yes or No) If Yes: i. Identify the original engine manufacturer: ii. Describe how and where the final assembly will be completes: iii. Specify how you have the ability to ensure that the engines will conform to the regulations in their final configurations: 11. MY 2011/2012 NHH Delegated Assembly - Will there be delegated assembly for one or more equipment manufacturers? (Yes or No) There will be a worksheet to complete detailing how manufacturers will comply with requirements. The format for this worksheet will be provided at a later date.
Records to be kept by manufacturer (available to EPA upon request):
1. Names and addresses of agents you have authorized to import your engines 2. Service accumulation and duty cycle description 3. Maintenance and warranty instructions 4. Installation instructions 5. If you are planning to start producing engines within a given engine family before the certificate is issued, you must: a. Initiate production-line testing based on the start of production, as specified in the standard-setting part. This may require testing before we approve your certification. b. You must agree to give us full opportunity to inspect and/or test the engines/equipment during and after production.
从上面的内容可以看出,2010型年及以后,美国EPA对于排放的要求将会比过去更加严格,抽查力度也将加大。尤其是增加了售后服务条款的具体要求和因为排放可能不合格导致罚款而采取的保证金措施的实施,对于通用小型汽油机进入美国市场的门槛确实提高了很多,条件也更加严格和苛刻。鉴于目前中国通用小型汽油机行业的生产和经营状况,今天特向贵公司谨慎通知并友情提醒,如果2010年希望继续出口美国市场,则应该严格按照美国EPA法规要求执行。 目前最为关键的问题是保证金问题:计算方法如下: 50万美元是最低起点,即50万美元是个最小值,即使销售一台,也是50万美元。计算保证金时,数量和排量都需要考虑,其中: A排量小于225cc,25美元/台 ,B排量225-740cc,50美元/台 C排量740-1000cc,100美元/台 ,D排量大于1000cc,200美元/台 可套用如下公式,当:25*A+50*B+100*D+200*Z的计算值小于50万时,按50万交,计算值大于50万时,应补交差额部份。ABCD分别对应于各种不同排量的发动机的预计销售数量。当实际数量突破预计销售数量时,应该在90天内补交保证金。当实际销售数量小于预计销售数量时,多交的保证金不退。保证金从销售开始时计算起,5年之内不能动,如果在5年之内有被扣罚的,应该及时补齐。 关于保证金的收取及客户获取保证金的细则,美国EPA本身不收取保证金,但目前也无明确的细则出台。只是要求在进行2010型年证书申请时应提交预计销售数量等数据,然后计算出保证金的数量。这样才可以获得新的证书。保证金要到2010年销售开始时才会有明确实施细则出台,如果2010型年没有销售,即使持有2010型年EPA证书,也不要交保证金。 上述法规中所提到的各种要求,美国EPA肯定要实施的,对于将来有意继续开拓美国市场的各发动机制造商,应积极尽早找出应对的办法和措施,杭州沃德认证技术服务有限公司愿意提供必要的支持和帮助。 上述法规仅适应于小型通用汽油机发动机制造商,其它的则不适用。
1)法律工程师 电话:0571-28006988-826(分机),手机:15868126897 E-mail:wdrzb03@126.com 2)曹玉丽工程师 电话:0571-28006988-806(分机),手机:15868126875 E-mail:wdrzb05@126.com 3)李正良总经理 电话:0571-28006988-818(分机),手机:15868126871 E-mail:lizl0568@126.com